The Holy Bible
Feminine Translation Version
Paperback 6 x 9 x 2 inches available in Black or Pink cover
The Holy Bible Feminine Translation Version is a word-for-word translation commonly known as a literal translation. It attempts to provide as close as possible a direct translation of the words themselves. It is classified as a study Bible that provides a unique tool for deciphering and reading Bible text. It teaches one how to SEE and visually perceive Scripture, which the Bible requires throughout with the word behold. This added human resource of sight produces a new and more complete understanding of Scripture with some unique results—the feminine attributes of God, and the consistency of salvation through the Cross.
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The Holy Bible
Feminine Translation Version
Digital book available in PDF, Epub and Kindle
A fourteen year Bible study has recently ended with a major discovery. The English language Bible has been mistranslated beginning with the first King James Version publication in 1611. (Ref 01) The Holy Spirit has been mistranslated to be sometimes a neutral gender as an "it," or "itself," and sometimes as a masculine gender as a "he," "him" or "himself." This contradiction of gender has existed for at least 409 years. The Feminine Translation Version of the Holy Bible (FTV) solves this gender problem by translating the Holy Spirit to a feminine gender, as "She", "Her," or "Herself."
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Doctrine of the Cross
The "Doctrine of the Cross"
Divine Exegesis answers mysteries about the Bible previously unknown to man and teaches one how to SEE scripture never before revealed. At first you will not believe when you SEE how to live forever on the Tree of Life.
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The Genesis I Window
A 410 page
dissertation reveals all hidden math in Bible.
"The Genesis I Window" introduces a divine (heretofore secret) foundational window view
into the Bible, which unearths many ancient
mysteries, including the creation of man, and the mathematical link between faith and science. Through this amazing
window, hidden bible mathematics of the entire Bible is revealed.
The premise of, “There is no God”, overlooks the bible mathematics
evidence found in this book. More
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The Creation's shocking secret reveals an
amazing three step path to God.
Daniel's Secret |
Open Your Eyes and Be Part of This Cross--> See
Video of His cross
More on the Doctrine of the Cross
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The Creation of Man
A 146 page dialog
reveals creation math 666 to 777.
Bible mathematics
from The Creation of Man reveals 666 must change to 777 for man to
survive on That Last Day.
of Genesis
Did you ever wonder who
is God?
Video TheBook
Find out WHO is marked
WHY 666 must
change to 777,
HOW to remove
the 666 mark,
WHAT 666 means,
WHEN Date 666 comes,
WHERE 666 and 777
leads to.
JW Farquhar : The Numbers of Faith
(Times Interview)