Numerology and Bible Math
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Numerology Bible numerology is the study of numbers in the Bible. Bible numbers add meaning to God’s parables, allegories, and stories by interpreting and fulfilling the text of His Word. When understood, the numbers of God serve as the Bible’s foundational truth likened to a skeleton around which the text of the Bible (like flesh) are formed. |
Bible Mathematics Bible mathematics, on the other hand, takes Bible numerology to a higher level with the understanding of how numbers developed in the Creation structure all scripture text. Bible mathematics is the study of the meaning of numbers in the Bible that result from calculations, such as simple counting, or multiplying. It is the study of numerical patterns that come from recognizing order and the counting of biblical lists: events, dates, or any combination of these things. It also includes the use of the tool, “divine equivocation”, where man is equated to an animal like a lamb, heifer, or goat, or to a number, such as a beast to the number 666, or Jesus to the number 77, or man's destination in heaven as 777. |
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Number 3 The Bible number 3 is traditionally thought to be the complete number of God, such as a Trinity consisting of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Hence man has added a new word to define God, which is not biblical. The word Trinity is not written in any Bible—not once—not anywhere. The biblical reality, however, is the number 3 is introduced in the Bible's sixth sentence in terms of time (past, present, future) as God's eternal image in time—Evening, Morning, and Day. Another number 3 is the number of spiritual growth of man—body, soul, and spirit. With Bible mathematics this 3-way numerical connection between God's Introduction (image of God) and man (image of man) is visible. |
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Number 4 (Creation) A most important Bible numerology example repeated in the Bible is 4. Four is the root of 40 and has been considered to be the number of creation: North, South, East, West; four seasons. The Genesis I Window with Bible mathematics, however, teaches us to see the Light in the introduction of God; EVEning, Morning, Day so the 3-way count for God is fulfilled with 4 for the cross as EVEning, Morning, Light, Day. When it is understood that the Eternal Father (Day) called the Holy Spirit of Light to Himself in the Beginning after He separated Her from darkness, we can begin to comprehend the tragedy of Man’s rejection of the family in heaven-the 4-way Cross of God. |
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Number 4 (Old Testament Cross) When we finally see that the Old Testament cross points 4 ways, that God defined Himself as (I-AM) God 4 ways to Moses, and the first four commandments are instructions for His four characteristics, we shall have the true vision for the true God of the Bible. There are many more examples that validate this special revelation in The Genesis I Window. |
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Number 4 (New Testament Cross) When we finally see that the New Testament cross points 4 ways, that Jesus defined God as thine is the kingdom, Power, glory, forever (4-ways), we shall have the true vision for the true God of the Bible. This is why we have four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—one for each of God’s 4 characteristics. Thank you Church Father Irenaeus who knew God 4-ways, who influenced the canonization of the 4 gospels, and wrote “Against Heresies”. There are many more examples that validate God of the Cross in The Lausanne Covenant Hypocrisy. |
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Bible Numerology 6 EVEning Morning Day 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 Body Soul Spirit
Rev 13:18 ASV |
Number 6 The Bible number 6 is often considered to be the number of man in Bible numerology, since man was created on the 6th day. However Bible mathematics takes this number to another level when the 6th day count for evening, morning, and day results with 666. It cannot be coincidence when the body, soul, and spirit of man is created from this image of evening, morning, and day (God), and His likeness of 666 on the 6th day. The transfer of this mark from God to man is fundamental, and foundational for understanding Bible Mathematics and the creation of man. This number is repeated in Revelation Chapter 13 as the answer to God’s instruction to count the number of the beast. Unfortunately man has perverted this number to be only the number of the Antichrist, even though the word Antichrist is not written anywhere in Revelation, and even though the biblical definition for Antichrist is anyone and everyone who does not believe in Christ (1 John, 2 John). |
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Numerology 7
Number 7 In Bible numerology the Bible number 7 has been thought to signify completion or perfection, and is sometimes considered to be “God’s number” since He is the only One who is perfect and complete. In Bible mathematics, more specifically, the number 7 is the completion of a cause and effect chain of events, where 7 completes the changing of man’s 6 natures; first 1 through 6, then 7. It is only Jesus who brings this change to man. Bible mathematics teaches us to count the 7th day of the Creation as 777 to match the genealogy of the Son of God, who is Jesus. This only scratches the surface of the hundreds of biblical occurrences of seven that is explained in the The Genesis I Window. |
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Number 40 The Biblical numerology view of the Bible number 40 is commonly thought of to be the “number of probation or trial.” The Great Flood was 40 days and 40 nights, the Israelites wandered for 40 years, Moses was twice on the mount for 40 days and 40 nights, Joshua led Israel for 40 years, King David reigned for 40 years, Jesus was tempted for 40 days and nights, there were 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. However, Bible mathematics teaches us that 40 is the number of fulfillment when we count the times that Jesus uses the word fulfill or fulfillment—40 times in the FOUR gospels. |
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God of the Cross has been rejected by the generic Christianity defined in the Lausanne Covenant. This problem is defined in the book, The Lausanne Covenant Hypocrisy. It is hypocrisy when the Church invents the word Trinity, but uses the Cross of God as its symbol. It is hypocrisy when the Church uses the word of Jesus to "pick up your cross", but teaches a Trinity-god not written in any Bible. | |
Bible Numerology Meaning | Unfortunately the significance of Bible numerology is still debated in many circles by Bible scholars, men of the cloth, and laymen alike. Numerology is often associated with the occult, and compared with astrology and similar divinatory practices. Most Bible scholars and other Bible experts do not put significance on “Biblical numerology,” and instead piously attempt to interpret the words of God without the benefit of understanding what the numbers behind God’s Word really means. Because of this we now have countless versions of Christianity with their various denominations and their innumerable man-made doctrines and dogmas. Take your pick. Good luck. | |
God's Numbers More Holy than His Words | Still, the Bible's patterned numbers teaches us spiritual truth. It can be said that the Bible’s holy numbers are more holy than the words, since numbers cannot be mistranslated, paraphrased improperly, changed over time, or misinterpreted like words can be. A number in the Bible is never simply a number. Every number is there for a purpose. God calls us to search for meaning, hidden messages, and codes in the Bible. For example in Revelation 13:18 God calls us to count the number of the beast, and even gives us the answer as 666. It is obvious that man has heretofore been unable to meet this challenge, because of a lack of understanding Bible Numerology and Bible mathematics. There is simply not enough substance in the words of scripture alone without scripture’s supporting numbers to meet all our needs and make us profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. For the numbers of Scripture is God-breathed just as His words are. (2 Tim 3:16). | |
Bible Numerology Importance | Why
is this important? If you don’t understand what you believe, you may
not really believe what you think you believe. Reason is a stranger.
Doubt prevails. Salvation is lost. If you don’t understand how you are
numbered, or how to remove that number (mark), and do not know the true
face of God, then you cannot be numbered into the Book of Life. Jesus
tried to explain this with parables spoken to the ears of men, when He
said, he who has ears listen. But He never said "Do you see what
I mean?", until He was stretched on the Cross FOUR ways to show the
world who God really is.
The Apostle Paul wrote that all men are sinful, but he never explained how man became that way. However, Bible numbers can show you. You can ask your preacher or your Rabbi to explain the numbers of God, but they haven’t been able to figure it out for 5800 years. If you have been fed heiferdung all your life, then you will go the way of heiferdung—back into the ground. You must remove the heiferdung from your eyes to see the Cross of God and understand why and how 666 must change to 777. That is why Bible numerology and Bible mathematics are important. If you are a Christian, and think you know what that means, and are in love with man-made philosophy of a mono-sexed Trinity-god, then you will be led like lemmings over the cliff to certain death.
That is why you should read The Lausanne Covenant Hypocrisy. JW Farquhar (Authority? I have none...except only that which comes from the authority of God-breathed numbers in the Bible, since only God's numbers interpret God's Word; not man. Man is not qualified.) |
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